What Makes a Book an eBook? A Comprehensive Guide

Electronic books, popularly known as eBooks, have revolutionized how we consume information. All kinds of readers, from students to academicians, have shifted towards eBooks and benefit from their advantages.

eBooks have multiple features, such as enhanced accessibility for differently challenged readers, interactive multimedia integration, collaborative learning, personalization options, and more. However, apart from their features, have you ever wondered what makes a book an eBook? If you want an answer to this question, you are in the right place. 

In this carefully curated article, we will explore the various facets of an eBook and discuss what makes a good eBook.

Let us begin with the basics to help you understand better. 

Table of Contents 

I. What is an eBook? 

II. Key Features of an eBook 

III. What Makes a Book an eBook? 

IV. Closing Thoughts

What is an eBook?

An eBook is a digital version of any book that can be read on electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets, e-readers, etc. Unlike traditional printed books, eBooks are saved as digital copies, allowing readers to access them anytime and anywhere.

With rapid digital advancement, eBooks are becoming highly popular and available in all sectors and genres, catering to various audiences, including K12, research, fiction, non-fiction, academic texts, and more.

Key Features of an eBook

Here are some of the key features of an eBook:

Multiple Digital Formats

eBooks can be stored in numerous digital formats like ePub, PDF, MOBI, and AZW formats, among others. All these formats are compatible with the information they store, textual content, formatting, and multimedia elements like images and hyperlinks. Additionally, depending on the device the eBook is being accessed on, it can be converted from one format to another. 

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One of the best features of an eBook is its unparalleled portability compared to traditional printed books. An eBook reader or a similar device can carry a whole library of books in a small, lightweight package. With this portability, readers can read their favorite books, whether flying, commuting to work, or relaxing at home.


Very limited printed books have accessibility elements for differently abled readers with visual impairment, cognitive disorders, mobility issues, etc. Braille editions and large print books are not readily available and excessively costly. This makes it difficult for people with disabilities to access information equally and conveniently.

On the other hand, eBooks are highly accessible and inclusive, with various accessibility features like text-to-speech (TTS), navigation aids, annotation tools, high contrast modes, screen readers, and more.

Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Almost all eBooks are DRM-protected to protect copyright and prevent unauthorized distribution. DRM mechanisms control access to the content by encrypting the eBook files and tying them to specific devices or accounts. While DRM helps safeguard intellectual property, it can also restrict users’ use or share their purchased eBooks.

What Makes a Book an eBook?

Multimedia content and interactive elements are the highlights of an eBook and the determining factor of what makes a book an eBook. Unlike printed books, interactive multimedia elements in an eBook offer their audience a richer, more dynamic reading experience that encourages collaboration, curiosity, and a deeper comprehension of the subject matter. 

This is one of the primary reasons why K12 education also readily adopts eBooks. It allows students to explore new opportunities and learn rapidly with flashcards, MCQs, chapter summaries, pop quizzes, and more. KITABOO is now integrating the latest technologies, like augmented reality, to provide an immersive user experience to students.

Audio and Video

Interactive eBooks can be integrated with audio and video files like narrations, background music, sound effects, demonstrations, interviews, etc., to give the reader an immersive experience.

Audio elements are highly popular in children’s children and fiction eBooks. These elements enrich the reading experience by offering additional context, explanations, and visualizations that enhance comprehension and engagement.

eBooks with hyperlinks let users explore relevant topics online, access additional resources, and jump between different book sections.

For instance, long-pressing a word on eBook readers can give you instant access to a dictionary for word meaning and etymological origins. Also, hyperlinks are linked to websites, articles, videos, or multimedia content providing context, background information, or further reading.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

New-age eBooks also leverage augmented and virtual reality to offer readers a highly immersive reading experience. The 3D environment created by the AR and VR technology allows readers to interact with the various physical elements of the book, allowing them to gain a new sensory experience.

Effective AR and VR technology can blur the line between digital and physical reality, fostering a more profound connection for the readers with the subject matter.

Quizzes and Assessments

Educational eBooks can include interactive tests, evaluations, and exercises to evaluate readers’ understanding, reaffirm learning objectives, and offer quick feedback.

Multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and interactive drag-and-drop exercises are several ways to create quizzes. Additionally, students can access the eBook quizzes and assessments anytime, anywhere, gaining an uninterrupted learning experience.


Animation refers to bringing static images to life by adding movement to them. Animated elements add interactivity and visuals to the eBook, keeping readers engaged and interested. They can also simplify complex concepts and processes.

Lastly, animated elements add tremendous aesthetic value to the content, keeping young readers interested.

Interactive Images and Infographics

eBooks with interactive graphics and infographics provide readers with a dynamic and holistic learning experience by letting them zoom in, rotate, and click on particular areas for more in-depth analysis. This creative and interactive approach is highly beneficial in K12 education as it supports a variety of student learning styles and promotes active engagement and collaboration. 

Closing Thoughts

It is safe to say that, unlike traditionally printed books, eBooks offer readers a highly transformative and engaging experience, along with the convenience of quick accessibility.

The continuous evolution of eBooks in this digitally advanced age will soon make them an indispensable part of our lives and reading culture. The future of fictional storytelling and education truly revolves around eBooks and their multifaceted features. 

If you are also looking for digital eBook publishing, you can use platforms like KITABOO to publish, distribute, market, and amplify your eBook to audiences worldwide. 

To know more, contact us today!

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Scott Hanson

Scott Hanson

Scott Hanson is the AVP of Business Development at Hurix. He is an experienced Business Development & Publishing Technology professional with expertise in dealing with Societies & Non-Profits.