Top eBook Publishing Platforms: Your Guide to Success (2024)

Innovation in reading and learning has transformed the way books are created and distributed, and eBooks are at the helm.

Statistics estimate that by 2027, the eBook revenue share in the market will be 54.2%, whereas that of ePapers and eMagazines will be 28.41% and 10.01%, respectively. This showcases a significant shift in the publishing industry and the preferences of readers. 

Read on as we take you through the top 10 eBook publishing platforms that are revolutionizing the publishing landscape in 2024. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents:

I. Essential Features of eBook Publishing Platforms

II. Top eBook Publishing Platforms of 2024

III. To Wrap Up

Essential Features of eBook Publishing Platforms

Due to recent innovations, to begin with it is necessary to look for baseline features one should expect from eBook publishing platforms.

Here are the four main capabilities that you need to look for when selecting a platform to meet the evolving needs and expectations of readers and authors:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Most people primarily use browsers to search for information online. In order to ensure that your eBooks and publications are visible to these audiences, optimizing the content for SEO is crucial. Therefore, look for platforms that have built-in SEO capabilities.

2. Analytics

For publishers seeking to provide hyper-personalized reading experiences to their audience, the analytics feature is a must-have in an eBook platform. The actionable insights generated from running Big Data through an analytics engine, guide the personalization strategies for every publication one releases.

3. Customization

Digital publishing workflows are unique to each publishing business. As such, platforms with customizable features and toolsets are the more functional option when publishing eBooks.

Check the publishing platform for integration features like APIs, custom plugins, and third-party compatibility to understand how customizable the solution is.

4. Distribution

eBook publishing platforms facilitate a variety of distribution mechanisms and methods. Depending on the type of outreach you wish to generate for your publications, it helps to understand how your chosen platform will cater to your distribution needs.

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Top 10 eBook Publishing Platforms of 2024

Listed below are the most popular and functional eBook publishing platforms of 2024:


Draft2Digital is more a self-publishing platform, suitable for aspiring authors who wish to get their work published without the long-winded, traditional processes. There is no fee for distribution, updates, formatting, etc. The platform charges 10% of the retail price for every sale.


  • Automated end-matter
  • Error detection
  • Live status announcements
  • New release notifications
  • Free promotions
  • B2R book tabs


KITABOO is a comprehensive digital textbook platform for educational and academic enterprises with a full suite of associated tools. You also get access to distribution channels, content creation tools, and analytics.

Features of KITABOO:

  • AI-enabled content creation and analytics
  • Licensing and distribution settings
  • Usage analytics
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Accessibility features and tools for inclusivity
  • Readily integrable into existing systems

This platform comes with DRM (Digital Rights Management) capabilities to protect your intellectual property. This ensures that content creators and publishers have control over how their content is used and distributed, preventing unauthorized access and piracy.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

For authors looking for instant global outreach, the Kindle Direct Publishing platform is the ideal choice. This self-publishing platform leverages the Amazon marketplace to put the book out to the public. Authors receive up to 70% of the royalties from each sale.


  • Access to publishing in multiple languages like Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, and more
  • Capability to publish using pseudonyms
  • Print-on-demand available at no additional fees

Lulu Press

Lulu Press offers hassle-free print-on-demand options for authors who want exposure to international markets. The platform removes the problems of maintaining inventory and fulfilling orders, enabling authors to focus on writing and publishing.


  • Guides and a template library to help with the self-publishing process
  • Printing API to a global network, ideal for businesses and publishers
  • Sell books directly to customers through Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.

Barnes & Noble Press

Barnes & Noble Press is an extremely popular self-publishing platform that allows publishers and authors to take full control over their work. It offers the option to create eBooks or printed books, helps authors market their work, and monitors progress with sales reports.


  • Turnaround cycle of 72 hours from creation of an account to getting the book on shelves
  • Access to readers on NOOK and BN readers
  • Publish directly with B&N Press

Google Play Books

Google Play Books enables self-publishing through the Google Partner Centre. It allows authors to publish one book at a time, using interesting features like:

  • Control over the bibliography
  • Bulk edits through spreadsheets
  • Content review/preview before sales
  • Multiple users from the same account
  • Promotional price changes
  • Automatic currency conversion for international sales


How to Build an eBook Store

Apple Books

Apple Books is a comprehensive self-publishing platform that provides tools to create, design, publish, and manage books easily. It also has the capability to publish audiobooks.


  • Get advice from best-selling authors
  • Guidance and tools for book cover design
  • Preparatory tools for book publishing
  • No third-party ads
  • 70% royalties on every book


For authors looking for a straightforward publishing platform without bells and whistles, IngramSpark is a good eBook publishing platform to get started.


  • Global book distribution
  • There are free resources to learn about self-publishing
  • Offers hardcovers and paperback printing as well


Blurb is a platform that provides a variety of style options such as photo books, trade books, magazines, and more. Creators get access to book-making software to create engaging eBooks.


  • Sell anywhere, including Blurb Bookstore, Amazon, or other retailers
  • Exclusive dashboard to track sales
  • Buy and sell on demand

To Wrap Up

Digital publishing businesses require comprehensive solutions that not only enable them to create and distribute content efficiently but also empower them to adapt and thrive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. These solutions are designed to meet the diverse needs of publishers, authors, and educators, providing a holistic approach to digital publishing.

KITABOO is a dynamic digital textbook platform that offers a range of features to address the multifaceted requirements of digital publishing businesses. Its cutting-edge DRM protection features and seamless integration into enterprise systems set it apart by ensuring the efficient creation and distribution of content in the long run.

Get in touch with us for further information!

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Discover how a mobile-first training platform can help your organization.

Kitaboo is a cloud-based platform to create, deliver & track mobile-first interactive training content.

Mike Harman

Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at HurixDigital. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships.