k12 education

7 Amazing Tools That Will Change the Way You Create K12 ePub eBooks

ePub (Electronic Publication) is a widely adopted format for K12 eBooks due to its flexibility, compatibility, and support across various devices. Creating ePub eBooks requires specialized tools that provide efficient editing, formatting, and conversion capabilities. In this blog post, we will review seven tools that will enhance the way you create your K12 ePub eBooks.

Let’s dive in! 

Table of Contents

  • 7 Tools to Enhance Your K12 ePub eBooks
  • Sigil


7 Tools to Enhance Your K12 ePub eBooks

1. Sigil

Sigil is a free and open-source ePub editor known for its user-friendly interface. It allows authors and publishers to create and edit ePub files easily. Sigil offers both a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor and a code view, enabling users to choose their preferred editing mode. It provides features like spell-checking, table of contents generation, metadata editing, and more. 

However, the software has not been unable to keep up-to-date with changes over time. So while it may be a good place to start, it might not be an ideal solution for bulk K12 ePub eBooks.

2. Adobe InDesign

Adobe InDesign is a professional desktop publishing software widely used in the publishing industry. It offers advanced features for creating ePub eBooks with precise layout design, rich typography, and multimedia integration. InDesign provides comprehensive styling options, interactive elements, and robust export settings, ensuring high-quality ePub output.

For K12 publishers who are just starting out, it is important to keep in mind that this tool has a steep learning curve.

3. Scrivener

Scrivener is a popular writing and project management tool used by many authors. While primarily known for its organizational features, Scrivener also supports ePub export. Educational publishers can use Scrivener to structure their content, create chapters and sections, and format their text. It provides tools for adding footnotes, images, and annotations, making it a valuable tool for ePub creation.

4. Apple Pages

Apple Pages is a word processing software exclusive to Apple devices. It allows publishers to create and edit documents and also supports ePub export. Pages offers a straightforward user interface, a variety of formatting options, and seamless integration with other Apple software. With Pages, publishers can easily convert their documents into ePub eBooks and make use of Apple’s rich media capabilities.

5. Jutoh

Jutoh is a dedicated eBook creation tool that supports various formats, including ePub. It offers a user-friendly interface and features like WYSIWYG editing, styling templates, and the ability to import content from different sources. With control over formatting, metadata, and cover design, Jutoh simplifies the process of creating educational ePub eBooks.

6. Pages

Pages is a software designed specifically for Apple-inclined classrooms. It offers a wide range of templates, multimedia integration options, and interactive widgets. Pages enables publishers to create visually engaging eBooks with interactive elements such as image galleries, videos, quizzes, and more, enhancing the learning experience.

7. Atlantis Word Processor

Atlantis Word Processor is a feature-rich word processing software that supports ePub export. It offers advanced formatting options, including paragraph styles, headers, footers, and tables. Atlantis Word Processor also provides a distraction-free writing mode, document encryption, and easy conversion to ePub format, making it a reliable tool for K12 publishers.


When it comes to creating ePub eBooks, there are several excellent tools available. However, these are not designed specifically for the K12 publisher. K12 publishers should consider KITABOO, a digital-textbook platform that helps create, publish and distribute all your educational content.

Whether it is our user-friendly interface, content authoring capabilities, interactive elements, multimedia integration, or secure cloud-based distribution, every feature is created with you, the educational publisher in mind.

Request a demo today, and change the way you create ePubs for the K12 sector.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the ePub format?

A: ePub (Electronic Publication) is a widely used file format for eBooks. It is designed to provide a reflowable and adaptable reading experience across different devices and screen sizes.

Q: Can I create ePub eBooks for K12 education without any technical knowledge?

A: Yes, there are several user-friendly tools available, such as Sigil, Calibre, and KITABOO, that make it possible to create ePub eBooks for K12 education without extensive technical expertise. These tools offer intuitive interfaces and guide users through the process.

Q: What are the advantages of using specialized tools for ePub creation?

A: Specialized tools provide features and functionalities specifically tailored for ePub creation. They offer options for formatting, layout design, multimedia integration, and metadata management, ensuring a professional and reader-friendly final product.

Q: Can I add multimedia elements to ePub eBooks?

A: Yes, many ePub creation tools support the inclusion of multimedia elements such as images, videos, audio clips, and interactive widgets. These elements can enhance the learning experience for K12 students and make the content more engaging.

Q: Are there any free tools available for creating ePub eBooks?

A: Yes, several free tools like Sigil and Calibre offer robust features for ePub creation. While they may have certain limitations compared to premium tools, they still provide powerful capabilities for creating high-quality ePub eBooks.

Q: Can I convert existing documents into ePub format?

A: Yes, most ePub creation tools support document conversion from various formats such as PDF, Word, or HTML. This allows content creators to repurpose their existing content for ePub publication.

Q: What are the key considerations for choosing an ePub creation tool for K12 education?

A: When selecting an ePub creation tool for K12 education, factors to consider include ease of use, formatting options, compatibility with different devices, multimedia integration, export quality, and of course other requirements that are specific to your project.

Q: Can ePub eBooks be published on different platforms?

A: Yes, ePub eBooks are compatible with multiple platforms and can be published on popular eBook marketplaces, online stores, and reading apps. This ensures wider accessibility and distribution of your eBooks.

Q: Can I collaborate with others while creating ePub eBooks?

A: Many ePub creation tools provide collaboration features, allowing content creators, editors, and designers to work together on the same project. These features enable efficient teamwork and streamline the eBook creation process.

Q: What role does cloud-based eBook publishing play in ePub creation?

A: Cloud-based eBook publishing tools like KITABOO offer the advantage of easy accessibility, collaboration, and secure distribution. With cloud-based solutions, publishers can work on their projects from anywhere, and readers can access the eBooks seamlessly across different devices.

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