eBook Publishing Made Easy: Custom App with Interactive Features

eBooks have become a norm today in all industries, whether it is education, business, publishing, or corporate learning. Hybrid learning and reading experiences are captivating the audience to a large extent. The love for traditional books is unlikely to fade away; however, the passion for eBooks is witnessing a new surge.

The number of eBook users across the globe is forecasted to continuously grow between 2024 and 2027 by 92.9 million users or +9.02 percent. It is further estimated to reach 1.1 billion in 2027.

One of the most significant reasons for the rising popularity of eBooks is the inclusion of interactive elements. Publishing eBooks using a Custom eBook App with interactive elements has become extremely simple and easy today.

If you want to venture into content creation and publishing eBooks, you can simply use such apps to build your very own eBook with exceptional elements.

Digital textbook apps like KITABOO offer a range of interactive elements that have the potential to engage readers and benefit publishers. Such cloud-based Custom eBook Apps create a superior product with interactive eBooks!

Let us understand the eBook creation process in this guide!

Table of Contents:

I. What are Interactive Elements within an eBook?

II. Process of eBook creation

III. Conclusion

What are Interactive Elements within an eBook?

Interactive elements are inclusions within an eBook that enhance the reading and learning experience. Learners can understand complex topics while readers can engage with content better. The experience is extended beyond static text, and one can participate in quizzes and games or comprehend text better using videos, audio clips, animations, or infographics.

Let us understand the relevance of publishing eBooks using interactive elements.

  • Nowadays, custom eBook Apps help users retain information and make content ideal for training, education, and business marketing purposes by using interactive elements.
  • Publishers can now collaborate with other content creators and indulge in powerful eBook creation tactics, which makes the experience more versatile, accessible, and adaptable.
  • eBook creation has also become a cost-effective solution that can be updated in real time based on industry trends and consumer demands.
  • Interactive eBooks are useful in all industries and readers categories allowing readers to share content with peers.

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Process of eBook Creation

To create an interactive eBook, you need to carefully plan each step:

Step 1 - Choose the Best Custom eBook App

Consider the following factors before choosing the best custom eBook app for eBook creation:

  • Target audience and the type of content you plan to include in your eBook.
  • Design capabilities and customization elements.
  • eBook publishing, marketing, and distribution capabilities.
  • The app’s user interface and ease of navigation.
  • The level of multimedia integration.
  • Select an app that offers DRM protection to prevent unauthorized access to your eBook.
  • Look for built-in analytics tools to optimize content for better results.
  • Consider reviews of existing users and the level of customer support provided by the app.
  • Check associated costs.

Step 2 - Content Creation

Interactive eBooks comprise text and interactive elements. Ensure your text is well-written and engaging. You can embed several elements, including the following while creating eBooks using a Custom eBook App:

  • Text: Write from scratch or use the AI automation elements embedded within your eBook app to help you with content creation. You can also import a PDF file and convert it into ePUB using the best Custom eBook App.
  • Images: Incorporate license-free images and illustrations and ensure smooth performance, especially for online eBooks.
  • 3D Images: Highlight your text by showcasing 3D images using a wide range of 3D models to incorporate into your eBook.
  • Videos: You can include instructional guides or custom videos to ensure a visual explanation of the concept.
  • Widgets: You can integrate interactive widgets into your eBook, ranging from calculators to live social media feeds, to enhance the reading experience.
  • Interactive Quizzes and Self-assessments: These elements are particularly useful in educational eBooks. Various question formats, quiz formats, or gamification-based assessments can be incorporated to test readers’ understanding.

Step 3 - Design the eBook

The design of your eBook is crucial for attracting readers’ attention and setting it apart. Here’s how you can enhance your eBook design:

  • Cover: Create an eye-catching cover design and make sure it reflects the essence of your eBook.
  • A Descriptive Image: Use branded fonts, color schemes, logos, or text that resonates with your content.
  • Layout: Choose between reflowable or fixed layout when importing PDF files and converting them into ePUB formats. Each has its advantages, depending on your content and audience. KITABOO offers both layouts within the same eBook, providing flexibility.
  • Branding: Consider a white-label publishing eBooks platform that allows full branding control.

Step 4 - Publish the eBook

After writing and editing, prepare your eBook for publishing. Choose your publishing method based on your preferences and ensure that the chosen platform offers a wide reach, file format options, and various services. Choose the right file format for your eBook and check its compatibility with devices.

Let’s dive deeper into the different types of formats you can use while creating eBooks:

  • PDF: It is a simple format but has limited interactive elements. Although, it is not recommended for media-rich content due to large file sizes.; yet, it is popular to use, and compatible with most devices.
  • ePUB – EPUB3 is the latest version and is used by the best eBook creation apps. This format is equipped with DRM and supports various levels of interactive content, including multimedia elements. The secure version of ePUB3 requires a password to open. You can use KITABOO to prevent unauthorized access.
  • MOBI: This is an exclusive format for Kindle devices and apps, which extensively supports multimedia and is protected by Amazon DRM. However, it has limited access to interactive elements.

Step 5 - Protect the eBooks

DRM Digital Rights Management can protect your eBooks online and safeguard your content from potential theft. The objective of choosing a DRM-enriched Custom eBook App is to protect your intellectual property, enhance your monetization capabilities, and give you control over the distribution of eBooks. You can further opt for limited sharing options, and copy-paste features, and also apply a limitation to the number of devices the eBook can be downloaded to.

Step 6 - Market your eBooks

The final step is marketing your eBooks to boost sales. You can opt for paid advertising, social media integration, or online/offline marketing events to help spread awareness about your eBook to your target audience efficiently.


Creating interactive eBooks using the best Custom eBook Apps enhances your ability to create engaging content. Interactive eBooks offer a more engaging reading and learning process and are in high demand because of their retention and comprehension capabilities. You must ensure that you choose the right app for eBook creation that offers you the latest multimedia-rich interactive elements.

Trusting the best digital textbook platforms like KITABOO helps you create eBooks that improve engagement and enhance the reading experience. These Custom eBook Apps are well-equipped with AI tools, cloud-based features, DRM protection, and several benefits that can help create compelling content online.

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Vishal Dani

Vishal Dani

Vishal is the Senior Vice President and Head - Cloud Platforms & Technology at HurixDigital. He leads the product development group and technology solutions.