Progress Monitoring: A Game-Changer for Personal Growth of Student

In the world of education, progress monitoring emerges as a transformative approach, fundamentally altering how student growth is fostered and measured. This method, which has gained significant traction over the past four decades, serves as a cornerstone in modern educational practices.

The journey of progress monitoring began in 1977 when Deno and Mirkin introduced the Data-based Program Modification (DBPM) model, laying the groundwork for what would later be known as “Curriculum-Based Measurement.”

As the concept evolved and more research was done to understand its impact, it became a powerful tool to empower learners by offering actionable insights to enhance learning. 

Today, progress monitoring is a part of many digital instructional materials, like digital textbooks. Digital platforms like KITABOO exemplify this integration by offering advanced reporting and analytics. These features not only enrich the learning experience but also personalize it, catering to the unique needs of each student.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is Progress Monitoring?
  1. The Impact of Progress Monitoring on Student Growth
  1. How to Monitor Progress?
  1. Progress Monitoring: Making It Work

What is Progress Monitoring?

Progress monitoring is a standardized formal process for evaluating student progress through regular assessments for specific skills. It collects student data to chart it in the context of expected outcomes. The data is then used to improve learning gaps and impart personalized learning to help achieve student access. 

Types of Progress Monitoring

Below are the two types of progress monitoring that are commonly used in educational settings:

  • Mastery Measurement (MM) or Short-Term Measurement (STM): This is an assessment process through which a skill taught by an educator is assessed based on the curriculum.
  • General Outcome Measurement (GOM): A broader measurement type where long-term student learning, proficiency, and outcomes are found. It may also assess emotional and social skills, among others.

Examples of Progress Monitoring

Quizzes, multiple-choice questions, observing a student, long-form answers, etc., are some of the types of assessments used for monitoring progress.

These assessments can be of following types:

  • Summative (end-of-semester exams, etc.)
  • Formative (exit tickets, questioning, etc.)
  • Interim (mid-year tests, etc.)

Different types of progress trackers are then used to analyze the results of these assessments, like the linear progress bar, the four-point rule, the step-by-step checklist, etc.

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The Impact of Progress Monitoring on Student Growth

Below are points that highlight the impact of progress monitoring on student growth:

Identification of Strengths, Weaknesses, and Learning Gaps

Students are empowered with specific analytics to identify their strengths and weaknesses. They can cultivate a growth mindset and bridge skill gaps to meet their goals.

Progress tracking also allows them to celebrate their strengths and maximize them. They gain self-awareness to devote more time to their weaknesses, improving their success rates.

Goal-Alignment and Better Outcomes

A study found that systematic progress monitoring can improve student achievement outcomes. This can boost their future prospects.

Monitoring progress keeps them aligned with the goals with constant assessment data so that they can chart their path or do so with the help of educators. It promotes accountability, self-efficacy, and autonomy in the long run. 

Personalized and Student-Centric Learning

Through strength and weaknesses identification, students can choose personalized learning pathways for efficient learning.

With student-centered learning, educators are empowered to design targeted interventions tailored to each student. Each student’s learning style, pace, and preferences can be matched seamlessly by monitoring progress.

Continuous Improvement for All

Progress monitoring helps promote lifelong learning through regular reporting and scope to develop each strength. The reporting also makes it seamless for students with disabilities to seek support in areas that demand improvement.

This makes learning more inclusive and accessible, assisting especially those students in need who are at the risk of academic failure.

Improved Collaboration and Engagement

When learning experiences are customized based on analytics, students are more engaged, as it makes the course material more relevant to them. With this tailored instruction, as the progress improves, it increases motivation, further enhancing engagement.

The collaboration between an educator and a student is also improved as progress tracking data often opens dialogue with better one-on-one attention.

How to Monitor Progress?

To reap the maximum benefits of progress tracking, it is crucial to follow the correct process.

Below are some points that  outline the correct process for monitoring progress:

Begin with a Baseline

Establish a baseline data, which works as the starting line. This data works like a benchmark for comparison. Conduct an initial assessment to identify baseline data for each skill.

Establish Goals and Objectives

Clarity in establishing learning goals and objectives for each student is vital to tie the progress to an endpoint. These goals could be improving language skills, focusing on comprehension or problem-solving, etc. Align these goals to the curriculum.

Create a Monitoring Plan

Frequent progress monitoring is critical for student growth. Establish the frequency of the monitoring and the tools used based on the learning objectives.

Ideally, collect data every week or twice a month to make sure you stay informed about student progress and can make timely adjustments to your teaching strategies.

Utilize Tools

Once you pick the right tools and set the methods, focus on being consistent. Set a standard formal protocol for progress monitoring and training all stakeholders to ensure the plan is carried out. Also, make it a part of your digital transformation program to leverage technology for more efficient progress monitoring.

Adjust and Analyze

Compare the current performance with the baseline data to track progress. IT will work as a guide to identify areas of improvement. The most effective way is to use data visualizations like bars and charts that allow you to analyze complex data easily.

Progress Monitoring: Making It Work

The various stakeholders who impart instruction often make the mistake of not taking action on the progress reports. This is due to a lack of knowledge, awareness, and training. If the progress tracking data is not utilized for improvement, it would be a disadvantage that would demotivate a learner.

You can also use various tools that can be empowered with analytical tools like the digital textbook platforms like KITABOO. It will help you maximize the effectiveness of progress monitoring.

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Vishal Dani

Vishal Dani

Vishal is the Senior Vice President and Head - Cloud Platforms & Technology at HurixDigital. He leads the product development group and technology solutions.