6 Reasons Why You Must opt for Online Leadership Training

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other – John F. Kennedy

As Kennedy rightly points out, leadership and learning go hand in hand. Not everyone is a natural leader. Some need to hone and polish their skills and ability to work in a leadership position. With the right amount of training and industry experience, one can become an efficient leader, someone who can lead and inspire the team to work hard to achieve better outcomes.

We can rightfully predict that the current batch of employees are soon going to become future managers of the business. But for them to become excellent managers, the foundation has to be laid today by providing effective leadership training courses.

Table of Contents:

I. A good leadership team will:

II. Here are some benefits of online leadership training

III. Conclusion

A Good Leadership Team Will:

1. Motivate Employees and Improve Productivity

The primary cause for employees departing from an organization is attributed to subpar management. According to a study, 40% of employees who do not receive sufficient training ultimately choose to resign within their initial year of employment.

By developing leadership skills, people can learn to get work done without appearing too pushy. Employees prefer working with a manager who encourages and inspires them. Having a goal-oriented leader who works hard to drive the organization towards success is sure to motivate other employees and reduce employee turnover.

Related: 5 Ways to Create Effective Interactive Training Content


Effective Ways to Deliver Corporate Training Content

2. Build a Healthy Work Culture

A healthy work culture is where people strive to collectively achieve the organization goals by putting in their 100%. A workplace is said to have a healthy work environment when employees are happy to report to work every day. Such an environment can be possible only if the leadership team allows flexibility and are compassionate towards their employees in times of need.

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3. Share Success with the Team

Employees are the reason why your business thrives, so the leadership team must always remember to thank them for the work done, due to which they have been able to achieve business success.

A good leadership team will always remember to keep them abreast of the important changes in the organization. While they should share the success with the team, they must also stand by the employees in times of organizational crisis. It builds trust among the employees and they would remain with your organization for a longer time.

4. Foster Open Communication

Encouraging open communication is vital for successful leadership. Trust is promoted at the workplace when leaders listen actively to their team members, appreciate their input, and create an atmosphere in which matters and opinions can be freely discussed.

5. Empower Employees Through Accountability

Effective leaders allow their teams to accomplish tasks and responsibilities by giving them the power to do so. In empowering their staff to perform tasks autonomously and decide on them, these leaders encourage career advancement as well as create an atmosphere where people feel responsible for what they have done.

6. Being Adaptable and Resilient

In a business environment that is becoming ever more speedy and unpredictable, two important qualities for leadership are being able to adjust and bounce back. Encouragement for confidence and stability comes from recoveries that are quick after experiencing setbacks, pivoting when needed towards new ambitions by managers.

Therefore, we can all agree that a leadership training program will benefit not just the individual taking the course but also the organization as a whole. And needless to say, online leadership training is the best route to coaching the digital natives into their future roles.

There are many courses available online which people can take to refine their leadership skills. While some may think that merely pursuing an online course does not make a good leader, we will tell you in this blog why it is better to opt for online leadership training courses.

Here are some benefits of online leadership training:

1. Online Training & Cost Optimization

There are a lot of costs associated with classroom training: instructor fees, classroom utilities, instructional materials, etc. While all these elements add to the overall training expenditure for the company, online training can be delivered at a fraction of the cost.

As an enterprise, you need to invest in good software that will help you create an online training program. It thus eliminates all the other costs, helping you save money which can be utilized for other business expenses.

Related: How to Choose the Right Employee Training Software

Related: The Best Online Corporate Training Platforms for 2019

2. Free Courses and Certifications

There are hundreds of open courses on leadership training which people can sign up for. A lot of these courses are free of charge. These courses are meant for individuals who are looking to upskill themselves for better prospects in their careers. Learners can sign up for a course, complete the modules and receive a certificate on completion.

3. Specialize in Different Domains

Online courses offer the flexibility to specialize in whatever area one wants. For some, it could be about leading a team without appearing authoritative, others might want to learn more on how to develop business strategies and implement them, while there may be some people who are looking for best ways to motivate their team. 

With online leadership training programs, one can choose whichever domain they want to gain expertise in. The learners can specialize in areas which they find is more relevant and required for their job role. Additionally, the learning retention rates increase from 8-10% for face-to-face training to 25-60% for eLearning, according to Research Industry USA.

4. Flexible Learning Opportunities

A person undertaking leadership training is understandably busy. Either they are already at a leadership position or are getting ready for the transition. Either way, it is a good practice to pursue these courses in one’s spare time or when they are not performing their everyday on-the-job duties.

After analyzing a subset of participants, it was observed that there was a 25% increase in learning among those who underwent leadership training, along with a 20% improvement in overall job performance. Online leadership training program will help the learner effectively utilize their time and undertake the courses at their own pace. Learners do not have to designate a specific time for the training, allowing them to go about their usual business while at the same time pursuing a course which will benefit them and their team.

5. Designed for New-Age Learners

Keeping in trend with the needs of modern learners, these professional courses are designed with features that will keep the learners engaged. Courses are delivered in the form of bite-sized modules and videos, which offer engagement value and help retain concepts much better.

The videos usually end with a summary of the module and a small assessment. The courses are also gamified to enhance motivation and are embedded with interactive elements to hold the interest of the learners.

6. Simulations and Scenario-Based Learning for Practice

While training, it is important for the learner to know if he or she can effectively implement the teachings in reality and view the resulting effects. Online courses provide the advantage of practicing in a virtual environment before heading out to the real-world.

People undertaking leadership training can make use of the simulations and scenarios to make decisions and view the implications. It gives them an opportunity for trial and error, helping them learn better and eventually implement the best solutions at their workplace.

7. Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

Enroll in an online leadership training course and enjoy reading the material at the convenience of your home without having to go to class. This is very important because of its ability to allow other people with different commitments, particularly women who are often at home with children during daytime hours, to undergo training while managing these tasks simultaneously.

8. Personalized Learning Experience

Several online platforms that provide leadership training use adaptive learning technologies to adjust content according to an individual’s personal needs and pace. Consequently, learners receive personalized recommendations on what to work on, allowing them to concentrate more on those aspects that require improvement.

9. Global Reach and Collaboration

Online leadership training transcends geographical boundaries by allowing companies to offer the same instruction throughout their workforce, no matter where or when they are located. It also enables teams of different backgrounds to have access to new ideas, which will improve their learning experience with more varied viewpoints and information exchange. 

Moreover, professional communities become more engaged due to e-forums as well as interest groups, which encourage networking so that colleagues can learn from each other while growing professionally together.

10. Continuous Learning and Updating

Leadership is an evolving concept that changes with the circumstances. The online training for leaders helps those who want to upgrade their knowledge. Leaders can track the newest trends, strategies, or best practices about leadership using numerous resources and materials available at their disposal. Therefore, this way they will always be capable of dealing with new problems that arise because it helps them be more flexible, in other words.


An organization with a good leadership team is bound to achieve greater heights. Not only because the managers have a positive outlook, but because they inspire others to do their best. Training someone to be the driving force of an enterprise is a difficult task indeed.

And online leadership training courses makes it easier to accomplish this task in a cost-effective and time-saving manner. If you look at the bigger picture, a good leadership team will lead the workforce towards success and achieve organizational growth and profitability, thus benefiting everyone in the end.

Teaming up with digital textbook platforms like KITABOO, on this note, can be an absolute game changer. With advanced features like interactive assessments, multimedia-rich content, and seamless mobile access, the platform elevates the online learning experience, making it even more engaging and effective.

Connect with us to explore how we can help empower your organization’s leadership development journey through our innovative digital learning solutions.

Discover how a mobile-first training platform can help your organization.

Kitaboo is a cloud-based platform to create, deliver & track mobile-first interactive training content.

Snehnath Neendoor

Snehnath Neendoor

Snehnath is the Senior Vice President, Business Development at Hurix Systems. He has rich and diverse experience in training and learning solutions for the enterprise segment.