eBook Creator: Make and Publish Books Online

An eBook is a digital version of a book that can be read on various devices, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, and e-readers. eBooks are popular among readers because they are convenient, accessible, and affordable.

But how do you create an eBook? And how do you publish it online? The answer is simple: you need an eBook creator.

An eBook creator is a software or platform that helps you design, format, and publish your eBook. With an eBook creator, you can turn your manuscript into a professional-looking and interactive eBook that can be distributed to various online platforms and stores.

One of the best eBook creators available today is KITABOO. This cloud-based digital publishing platform allows you to create, publish, and distribute interactive multimedia-rich, mobile-friendly digital content. KITABOO has many features and benefits, making it the ideal choice for anyone who wants to create and publish eBooks online.

Table of Contents

  1. What is an eBook Creator?
  2. Why Use an eBook Creator?
  3. How to Choose the Best eBook Creator?
  4. How to Make and Publish Books Online with KITABOO?
  5. Conclusion

What is an eBook Creator?

An eBook creator is a tool that helps you create eBooks from scratch or from existing documents. An eBook creator can help you with various aspects of eBook creation, such as:

  • Designing: An eBook creator can help you choose the layout, font, color, and style of your eBook. You can also add images, videos, audio, animations, and other multimedia elements to make your eBook more engaging and interactive.
  • Formatting: With an eBook creator, you can create eBooks in accordance with the specifications and standards of different devices and platforms. You can also choose the file format of your eBook, such as PDF, EPUB, MOBI, HTML5, etc.
  • Editing: You can use an eBook creator to edit your eBook for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and readability. You can also proofread your eBook and make changes as needed.
  • Publishing: eBook creators can help you publish your eBook online on many platforms, such as Amazon Kindle Store, Apple iBookStore, Google Play Books, Kobo, etc. You can also distribute your eBook to your own website or app.

Why Use an eBook Creator?

Using an eBook creator has many advantages over traditional book publishing methods. Some of the reasons why you should use an eBook creator are:

  • Cost-effective: Creating an eBook with an eBook creator is much cheaper than printing a physical book. You don’t have to pay for printing costs, shipping fees, inventory management, etc. You also don’t have to share your profits with publishers or agents.
  • Time-saving: An eBook creator makes it easier to create an eBook than it is to write a physical book. You don’t have to wait for months or years to get your book approved by publishers or editors. You can create and publish your eBook in hours or days.
  • Flexible: Creating an eBook with an eBook creator gives you more flexibility and control over your book. You can update or modify your book anytime without having to reprint it. You can also experiment with different formats, styles, and features to suit your preferences and audience’s needs.
  • Reachable: An eBook creator allows you to reach a larger and wider audience than a physical book. You can distribute your book globally without any geographical or linguistic barriers. You can also target specific niche markets based on your book’s genre or topic.
  • Profitable: Creating an eBook with an eBook creator can help you earn more money than a physical book. You can set your own price for your book and keep most of the revenue. You can also monetize your book through ads or subscriptions.

How to Choose the Best eBook Creator?

Many eBook creators are available in the market today, but not all are suitable for your needs. To choose the best eBook creator for your project, you should consider the following factors:

  • Features: The features of an eBook creator determine the quality and functionality of your eBook. You should look for an eBook creator that offers a variety of features, such as multimedia integration, interactivity, accessibility, security, analytics, etc.
  • Ease of use: An eBook creator’s ease of use determines how convenient and efficient it is for you to create eBooks. You should look for an eBook creator with a user-friendly interface, intuitive tools, and helpful tutorials or guides.
  • Compatibility: Your eBook’s performance on different devices and platforms is determined by its compatibility. You should look for an eBook creator that supports multiple file formats, such as PDF, EPUB, MOBI, HTML5, etc. You should also look for an eBook creator compatible with various online platforms and stores, such as Amazon Kindle Store, Apple iBooks Store, Google Play Books, Kobo, etc.

Support: Your eBook creation and publishing process depends on the support you receive from your eBook creator. You should look for an eBook creator that offers customer service, technical support, and feedback channels. You should also look for an eBook creator with regular updates and bug fixes.

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How to Make and Publish Books Online with KITABOO?

KITABOO is one of the best eBook creators in the market today. It has all the features, ease of use, compatibility, and support you need to create and publish eBooks online.

Here are the steps to make and publish books online with KITABOO:

  • Sign up: To use KITABOO, you need to sign up on their website. You can choose from different plans based on your needs and budget.
  • Upload: To create an eBook with KITABOO, you need to upload your manuscript or document in any format, such as Word, PDF, PPT, etc. KITABOO will automatically convert it into an eBook format.
  • Customize: To customize your eBook with KITABOO, you can use their drag-and-drop editor to design, format, and edit your eBook. You can also add multimedia elements, such as images, videos, audio, animations, etc., to make your eBook more engaging and interactive.
  • Preview: To preview your eBook with KITABOO, you can use their simulator to see how your eBook will look and function on different devices and platforms. You can also test your eBook for accessibility and interactivity.
  • Publish: To publish your eBook with KITABOO, you can choose from various distribution options. You can publish your eBook on KITABOO’s cloud-based platform and access it from any device or browser.

You can also publish your eBook on various online platforms and stores or publish your eBook on your own website or app using KITABOO’s SDKs or APIs.

Also Read: What is eBook DRM and Why Do Publishers Need it?


Creating and publishing eBooks online is a great way to share your knowledge, passion, or talent with the world. With an eBook creator like KITABOO, you can create professional-looking and interactive eBooks that can be distributed to various online platforms and stores.

KITABOO is a cloud-based digital publishing platform that allows you to create, publish, and distribute interactive multimedia-rich and mobile-friendly digital content. It has many features and benefits that make it the ideal choice for anyone who wants to create and publish eBooks online.

If you want to try KITABOO for yourself, you can sign up for a suitable package now. Happy creating!

Contact our expert team to learn more. 

To know more, please write to us at contact@kitaboo.com

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Mike Harman

Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at HurixDigital. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships.