eBook Conversion Mastery: Transform Your Text into Digital Gold

Gone are the days when learners and readers had access only to paperbacks and traditional modes of acquiring knowledge or storing documents. eBooks are a digital mode of displaying text that can be accessed anywhere and anytime using various devices. You can easily transform your existing content into compelling eBooks using elite eBook conversion services like KITABOO which are enriched with interactive elements and cost-effective ways to create professional eBooks.

Such eBook conversions offer revolutionized content, visually appealing interactive elements, and an effective lead generation for content creators. However, with the rise in the popularity of creating compelling eBooks, it has become equally important to choose the right eBook conversion service that comes with exceptional design tools, a plethora of interactive features, eBook libraries and eBook store solutions, marketing ideas, and conducive formats and layouts.

Let us read more about eBook conversion services and how choosing the right one can maximize benefits for content creators and publishers.

Table of Contents:

I. Features to Look Out for When Choosing the Best eBook Conversion Service

II. How to Use eBook Conversion Services to Create Professional eBooks

III. Choosing the Best Layout when Using eBook Conversion

IV. A Combination of Reflowable and Fixed Layout

V. Conclusion

Features to Look Out for When Choosing the Best eBook Conversion Service

The right eBook conversion service is an enriched app that offers several features and benefits. Some of the most critical ones are:

  1. High-quality conversions with accurate formatting across various devices and platforms.
  2. Compatibility with a wide range of formats, devices, and platforms, including smartphones.
  3. Customization options allow content creators to personalize eBooks to industry trends and audience preferences.
  4. The eBook conversion service should be able to handle content in multiple languages and character sets, along with the provision of accessibility features to enrich the reading experience.
  5. The app should be well-equipped to handle large volumes of content with varying scale requirements.
  6. Look for efficient turnaround times for conversion projects, and a responsive customer support service.
  7. Other top features to look out for when choosing the best eBook conversion services are DRM Protection, cloud-based with AI automation tools, user-friendly user interface, and data analytics.
  8. Cost-effective solutions that provide expert assistance and support throughout the conversion process.
  9. Additional assistance with distribution and eBook marketing capabilities.
  10. Ongoing support for updates and maintenance based on new technologies and standards.

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How to Use eBook Conversion Services to Create Professional eBooks

When creating a professional eBook, you can follow these steps when using the best eBook conversion services:

Step 1 – Organize your content using available templates, and adjust the size and length of your eBook content as needed.

Step 2 – Upload interactive features and multimedia elements like:

  • Embedded videos
  • Pop Ups
  • Charts and Graphs
  • Customizable Data Widgets
  • Images and Graphics
  • Icons, Illustrations, Animations, GIFs, and Infographics

Step 3 – Design your eBook cover and structure the content by choosing a brand-associated font and customizing it with colors and other styling.

Step 4 – After finishing with the eBook structure, you can download your eBook as a PDF and then use conversion services to convert it into ePUB formats that can shared effectively with your global audience.

Choosing the Best Layout when Using eBook Conversion

There are 2 major layouts to consider, and each format has its uses and advantages:

Reflowable Layout

The reflowable layout adjusts text and images to fit the screen size and orientation of the device being used. This makes it great for eBooks because it ensures comfortable reading on different screens. Readers can easily adjust the text size for better readability, especially on smaller screens or for those with slight vision impairments.

This layout resembles the natural flow of reading a printed book, requiring minimal scrolling, which improves the overall reading experience. This layout is particularly well-suited for eBooks because it can customize the text size and font according to preferences, and is commonly used for genres that are text-heavy.

Advantages of Reflowable Formats

  • Using reflowable formats, users can enlarge text without losing formatting. It also makes it easier for learners and readers to read text on small screens like smartphones.
  • This format is popularly used by eBook conversion services and apps
  • Professional eBooks using this format are quick and cost-effective to produce
  • Since this layout focuses on smaller file sizes, it reduces download times

This format is compatible with most eBook readers and devices and can be effortlessly distributed through most eBook platforms.

Fixed Layout

The fixed layout format maintains precise text and image placement, similar to a PDF. It’s best suited for publications with lots of images. This format preserves the design integrity and offers complete control over content creation. Reading such layouts may require zooming and scrolling both vertically and horizontally.

Fixed layouts are not very popular and are rarely used by digital textbook apps. They are, however, advantageous in terms of empowering content with interactive elements, making them suitable for visually rich professional eBooks.

With a fixed layout, you can define text wrapping, line placement, and image placement, maintaining control over design elements regardless of screen size or orientation.

Advantages of Fixed eBook Formats

  • These layouts help content creators to retain control over the content.
  • Such formats are best used for emphasizing design elements and highlighting multi-column text.
  • It works best for 3D animated content, GIFs, graphics, and embedded fonts
  • Fixed layouts work best on larger screens as compared to mobile device screens.

A Combination of Reflowable and Fixed Layout

The integration of both reflowable and fixed layout formats by top eBook conversion service apps like KITABOO offers a comprehensive solution. Reflowable layouts allow content to fit various screen sizes while fixed layouts maintain precise formatting and design elements. By incorporating both reflowable and fixed layout options, eBook conversion services cater to a wide range of content types and empower content creators with the flexibility of accessibility and usability of eBooks.

eBooks created with a combination of reflowable and fixed layouts are compatible with a wide range of devices and offer a consistent user experience across different operating systems. The best eBook conversion service apps employ experienced professionals who specialize in optimizing content for both reflowable and fixed layouts. The hybrid model of formats in ePUB3 apps helps in creating high-quality professional eBooks that meet the diverse needs of modern learners and readers.


Using the best eBook conversion service for creating professional eBooks ensures that the final product meets industry standards. Such platforms excel in eBook formats and platforms and optimize eBooks for various devices and platforms. This allows content creators and publishers to focus on the formatting and layout design of eBooks which can be published and marketed effectively to a global audience.

KITABOO, one of the best digital textbook platforms, offers integral eBook conversion services. It has a plethora of customizable features for content creators, which helps them create visually appealing professional eBooks. Converting your PDF formats into ePUB3 formats using reflowable or fixed layouts is simple and hassle-free with KITABOO.

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Mike Harman

Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at HurixDigital. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships.