
How a Premier Higher Education Publisher increased their User Count by 50% with KITABOO


  • Slow video streaming in eBooks
  • Heavy eBooks caused lag in the eReader
  • Integrating customized user subscription model


  • Enabled high quality streaming experience by rendering compatibility with the right video hosting platforms
  • AWS hosting with updated CDN configurations
  • Integration with KITABOO facilitated in creating a better customer experience through customized user subscription
Slow video streaming

How did KITABOO resolve it using advanced technology?

Before joining KITABOO, the Publisher used printing and physical distribution of their textbooks. KITABOO experts streamlined the eBook creation process enabling them to develop accessible digital content with interactive features. This approach fostered an engaging learning experience for users, surpassing traditional print-based delivery methods and eliminated printing and distribution costs.

Kitaboo: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

More than 34 million API calls daily

More than 1 Million eBooks delivered

More than 5 Million Active Users

99.97% Guaranteed Uptime

GDPR Ready

How did KITABOO enable

High-Tech eReader performance?

eBooks with multimedia content such as images, audio, video, animations, and interactive elements generally slows down the eReader’s performance. But KITABOO’s eReader effectively tackled the performance by using AWS hosting with CDN configurations. This means that the books are stored and delivered by a cloud service called AWS, which uses a network of servers to speed up the loading time of the books. The books are sent from the nearest server to the user, reducing the load time by 50%. KITABOO’s eReader thus provided a high-tech eReader experience for the users.

How did the Higher Ed publisher

customize the user subscription model for the KITABOO eReader?

They wanted to boost customer satisfaction and retention with a user-friendly eReader that adapts to each user’s needs. They also wanted to enable subscriptions with exclusive features to generate recurring revenue and encourage free or trial users to upgrade. KITABOO played a significant role by adding a feature that checks the type of user who is accessing the eReader. If the user is not a paid subscriber to the publisher’s platform, they cannot use all the features of the eReader, such as the UGC data, which is the user-generated content that they can create or upload. Instead, they are prompted to register themselves on the publisher’s platform and pay for a subscription to use the premium features of the eReader.

The result was a win-win situation for both the premier publisher and their customers. They saw an increase in their customer satisfaction and retention rates, as well as their subscription revenue. Their customers enjoyed a personalized and enhanced reading experience that met their needs and expectations. Thus, KITABOO successfully delivered a user-friendly eReader for one of the premier US-based higher education publishers.

Revenue jumps by 50%

in less than a year

The KITABOO eReader has led to a meteoric rise in user count and revenue for this international publisher. In less than a year, the company has seen a 50% increase in revenue and has attracted a new range of users from different demographics.

Empowering students and professionals in healthcare with a customizable, high-performance eReader, a leading international publisher has widened its net, fostering a more diverse learning landscape within the critical field of medicine.The KITABOO eReader provides users with access to high-quality and relevant information, software solutions, and services that help them improve their outcomes and efficiency.