The Best eBook Platforms For Reading

You can’t open up a newspaper, turn on the TV or scrabble through Google without running across an eBook these days. But not everyone is familiar with the different options out there.

You may be wondering: which eBook reader to choose and might think it’s simple, but it’s not. Both of these platforms have their own advantages and disadvantages. Five well-known eBook platforms for reading are compared and broken down here: KITABOO, Apple Books, Instapaper, Nook, and Kindle.

Table of Contents

  2. Apple’s iBooks
  3. Instapaper
  4. Nook
  5. Kindle

Things To Consider When Selecting The Best Reading Platforms For eBooks

There are numerous sites to find eBooks, and the world of eBook reading is vast. However, which is the best? Depending on what you’re searching for in an eBook platform, there is no definitive answer to that query.

Some people desire the broadest possible access to literature, while others seek the optimal reading environment. When selecting where to purchase your next book, there are several things to take into account:

  • Price and accessibility: While some platforms provide books for free, some require a fee. The cost varies greatly as well. Additionally, certain games may be found on various platforms, so before purchasing something else, check sure the title you want from a particular publisher is accessible where you want it!
  • Formatting: Since different systems utilize various file types, specific eBooks won’t be compatible with all of them. Certain formats have more limitations than others. For instance, EPUB files may have DRM (digital rights management) protection added to them to prohibit copying or sharing without the publisher’s or author’s consent.

Distribution: The first thing to consider is whether the platform enables you to publish your book as an eBook or print book. While some platforms, like KITABOO, provide both choices, others only offer eBooks. Selecting a platform that offers distribution so people can purchase their copy online is crucial if you want to generate money from your book.

The Top eBook Platforms For Reading

Since reading is a well-liked activity, there are several platforms to pick from. Here are the top eBook platforms for reading:


Your favorite books can be published, sold, and read in one simple location with KITABOO. It’s a great experience for various publishing-related businesses, including edtech, K–12 teachers, students, and corporations, thanks to its user-friendly design and accessibility.

It is a cloud-based service that provides secure integration and access to SDK for the benefit of your website. Like any other e-reader program, the UI is simple, clear, and clutter-free. In addition, KITABOO offers several unique features not present in competing software.

You can get to your digital material whenever and wherever you want with the KITABOO reader. You may recognize and interpret consumer reading trends with the analytics tool. As a result, you can enhance features and the reading experience.

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Apple's iBooks

Apple’s eBook platform, iBooks, is now the most widely used reading app for iOS devices. You’ll probably discover what you’re looking for there because its store also has many eBooks. Use the Explore feature to find books by genre, author, or reading level if you’re unsure where to start.

Reading eBooks on your iPhone or iPad is simple, thanks to the iBooks app’s fantastic features. Collections are one of our favorite features since it lets you make lists of books you want to read or have already read. It is possible to group these into categories like ‘To Read’ or ‘Currently Reading.’

Additionally, you can add bookmarks to the book you’re now reading so you can easily access them again later. iBooks is a terrific choice if you’re looking for a free, user-friendly platform that can handle your needs.

iBooks have all the features you would expect from an eBook platform, including creating bookmarks and highlights and accessing your reading history and bookmarks from your phone or computer. Through the app, you can also listen to audiobooks.


Consider using Instapaper if you want a simple-to-use tool with an extensive library. You can use it to save articles or blog entries from the internet so you can read them all at once later. Additionally, you can save items using Twitter, RSS, or email.

Look at the application’s reading mode if you want more than simply text on a page. Thanks to the app’s simple layout, users can concentrate on reading without interruptions, which conceals all distractions.

Additionally, it features several font sizes, a night mode, and content saving for offline reading to make reading at night more comfortable. Instapaper is one of the more well-liked reading apps running on desktop and mobile platforms. Its slick layout makes reading articles and saving them for later simple.

Any webpage can be bookmarked for later reading, but the value is saving content from blogs or websites you regularly visit. Your bookmarked articles can also have notes and highlights added. For long-form content, such as blog entries, news stories, and books, Instapaper is fantastic.


The Barnes & Noble Nook is a digital reading platform. Numerous books, magazines, newspapers, and comics are available through the Nook app. Additionally, it offers titles that need a membership, like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Nook also provides a wide selection of free works by independent authors and vintage classics that are no longer subject to copyright restrictions. Although the Nook app’s reading experience is akin to other programs, it also includes certain special features.

The Nook library grows monthly as new books are added to its holdings. Use the library’s keyword search function to find a specific book or browse by genre or author name.


The Kindle, one of Amazon’s main products, has many features. The Kindle Unlimited subscription is one of the prominent offerings by Amazon, which gives you access to over 4 million titles and indulges your habit of binge-reading. You can read anytime, on the go, and on any device, from smartphones to tablets.

If a document is less than 50MB, it can also be sent directly to your Kindle through an email attachment from your computer. On Amazon, you might be able to find some free eBooks as well.

You can read books in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and other languages from a collection of more than a million titles. Subscriptions to newspapers and magazines from several publications, including The Daily Telegraph and New York Times, are also supported by Kindle.

Numerous books are free with Kindle Unlimited, especially with an Amazon Prime or Audible (audio version) membership.

Also Read: 8 Best eBook Hosting Platforms for Digital Publishing

Wrapping Up

Overall, going wrong with any available eBook platform is pretty challenging. However, there are some subtle differences between eBook formats, reading engines, and plugins, so your choice may come down to more than just personal preferences.

Hopefully, this has been a helpful look at the current crop of top eBook platforms, but if you still aren’t sure what will work for you, maybe trying out several different systems is the best option.

Contact our expert team to learn more.

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Mike Harman

Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at HurixDigital. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships.