Quick Integration Technology:

Integration with Proprietary Subscription Systems

KITABOO seamlessly integrates with your proprietary subscription system. This integration allows for the secure and efficient distribution of content to members and subscribers. By directly linking with these systems, Kitaboo ensures that valuable content remains protected while reaching its intended audience.

Talk to our experts today!

Kitaboo: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

More than 34 million API calls daily

More than 1 Million eBooks delivered

More than 5 Million Active Users

99.97% Guaranteed Uptime

GDPR Ready

Content Formatting Excellence:

Editorial Services for Content Formatting

Only an error-free perfect journal or research paper can spread the message without any ambiguity.To help you achieve that perfection, we offer a wide range of editorial services:

  • Hued is a proprietary automated editorial & typesetting service that functions in XML-first workflow
  • Copy editing, Proofreading & Indexing service assists in styling, subject indexing of scholarly journals & documents
  • Template Creation & Design helps in page layout, master pages, and creating styles for formatting the content
  • XML Conversion Services to handle multiple DTDs and schemas, and handle small utilities for conversion
  • Typesetting service for XML-first and non-XML workflow, as per the requirement
Create Interactive Content:

Upgrade Your Content Quality

Add value to your members by creating interactive content, adding multimedia elements like audio,video, quiz and podcast into it. Present your content in bite-sized chunks to enhance learning. KITABOO achieves content creation, editing, and finally distribution in a single publishing platform. Lower your publishing costs, greater your revenue.

Request a demo now!

Kitaboo: A proven high scale digital textbook platform

Deployed in more than 20 countries

More than 34 million API calls daily

More than 1 Million eBooks delivered

More than 5 Million Active Users

99.97% Guaranteed Uptime

GDPR Ready

Unlocking Learning Potential

Deeper insights backed by data

Our robust analytics dashboard makes content-related decisions based on your member consumption patterns, engagement levels, and other user behavior. Reach your niche audience and demographics with precision.

Create WCAG Compliant Content

By having WCAG-compliant content, your document’s reach can increase exponentially. It can ease communication among the members and partners. Publishing with KITABOO increases the accessibility of your content to your members.

Secure your content with DRM

KITABOO provides Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection. DRM protection offers a range of benefits including control over who has access to your content and for how long.

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The Future of Textbooks: Free Resources and Tech Solutions

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KITABOO: The World's Leading Digital Textbook Platform

  • Deployed in more than 20 countries
  • More than 34 million API calls daily
  • More than 1 Million eBooks delivered