Effortless PDF to ePUB Conversion for eBook Lovers

The growth of eBooks has led to extensive innovation in the technology used to create, distribute, and read eBooks. For instance, today, you can easily convert PDF eBooks into ePUB format eBooks. You can also leverage eBook readers to enjoy a superior reading experience. 

Being aware of the various tools and apps available to enhance the eBooks experience is a valuable asset for eBook lovers, especially since eBooks are the future of reading. Digital textbook publishing platforms such as KITABOO, for example, enable secure and swift conversion alongside other features such as a downloadable reading app.

In this blog, we deconstruct the ePUB format and its benefits, and how to facilitate PDF to ePUB conversion as per your needs.  

Content Table:

I. What is the ePUB format?

II. Stepwise PDF to ePUB Conversion Process

III. Choose the Right PDF for the ePUB Conversion Tool 

  1. For Basic PDF to ePUB Conversion
  2. PDF to ePUB Conversion With Some Value-Additions 
  3. A Comprehensive eBooks Solution 

IV. Reasons For PDF to ePUB Conversion 

V. Takeaway

What is the ePUB format?

Unlike the case of physical books, eBooks do require some understanding of technology and tools to help optimize the reading experience. For instance, the ePUB file format is gaining popularity as the go-to file format for eBooks. Here’s why. 

ePUB, or Electronic Publication, is an innovative file format specifically designed to enhance the reading experience of digital documents such as eBooks. The ePUB format enables eBooks to appear as reflowable text and images. This means that the content of the eBook will automatically adapt to the specs of the device on which it is being opened, which can include smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

The latest version of the ePUB is the ePUB3 edition, which also supports interactive eBooks, which may be embedded with multimedia such as video and audio representations.

Stepwise PDF to ePUB Conversion Process

Here’s a breakdown of how you can easily facilitate PDF to ePUB online conversion with smart tools available in the market today:  

  • The first step is to register and generate a professional account on your PDF to ePUB conversion tool of choice. 
  • Collate and store all the various PDF files you’d like to convert in one location. 
  • If you want to add multimedia elements such as slideshows, videos, and audio representations, then collate and store these elements too.   
  • Next, click on the “Import PDF” tab and choose the PDF file you want to convert. The file will then be automatically imported.
  • You will need to select the layout – fixed or reflowable. As a rule of thumb, fixed layouts are relevant for interactive eBooks with multimedia, while reflowable layouts are relevant for text-heavy eBooks. 
  • You can select your font of choice or else stick to the existing font. 
  • Now, preview the file, and if all looks good, you can proceed to publish. 
  • You can save the document in the relevant location on your device. However, cloud-based platforms such as KITABOO allow you to securely store your ePUB eBook copies on the cloud.

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Choose the Right PDF for the ePUB Conversion Tool

Today, the market is flooded with tools that enable easy PDF to ePUB online conversion at scale. The capabilities in terms of scale and security aspects vary. You can pick the right tools based on your specific needs. 

1. For Basic PDF to ePUB Conversion

You can access free-to-use PDF to ePUB conversion tools, which offer a simple conversion process. First, upload your PDF and click on the conversion tab. Within seconds, the process is complete.

Such tools also enable the conversion of PDFs into Word documents, PNG, and PPTX, and vice versa. However, there are no storage options, and it is difficult to predict the security levels of the tools. This is a good option for one-off conversions.

2. PDF to ePUB Conversion With Some Value-Additions

You can also access paid conversion tools that enable some unique features. These include the addition of annotations, password protection for the converted eBooks, and the ability to add watermarks.

The conversion process is simple. Upload the PDF file, make any changes you need, and then click on the conversion tab. This is a good option if you are concerned about aspects such as security and piracy of eBooks. 

3. A Comprehensive eBooks Solution

There’s a third option, which is gaining popularity because it offers much more control to eBook lovers.

A digital eBook publishing suite such as KITABOO offers a more sophisticated conversion process at scale. You can facilitate eBook conversion while also adding multimedia elements and do so securely and at scale.

If you are building your own eBooks library this is a great, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) option. Such a platform also allows you to create, publish, and distribute eBooks. KITABOO additionally offers a downloadable eBook reader app that enables superior reading and discovery of more eBook titles across a wide range of devices. 

Top Reasons For PDF to ePUB Conversion Trend

Here’s a run-down of key reasons for the growing popularity of PDF to ePUB conversion

  • Your favorite eBooks may not be available in the ePUB file format. If this is the case then you can consider converting your PDFs into the ePUB format.
  • The PDF file cannot automatically reflow content according to a device’s specs. Readers need to manually adjust the document, which can cause the text and images to go awry. These factors can reduce the quality of the reading experience. 
  • A PDF document is typically heavier than an ePUB file format because the latter is stored in a zip file. Hence, PDFs take up more storage space on your device. 
  • Another key advantage is that ePUB file formats support multimedia elements, such as video, audio, slide shows, and podcasts. Thus, ePUB is the format of choice for interactive eBooks, which can range from educational content to cookbooks and children’s books. ePUB3 also comes with some high-value and unique features as follows: 
  • ePUB files also come with a few additional advantages. For instance, readers can choose from a range of fonts that suit their reading habits. They can also be published in languages like Arabic and Urdu, which have a right-to-left script.  
  • This format has been especially useful to K12 publishers, who can leverage the file format’s capabilities to directly embed MathML, i.e., Mathematical Markup Language, which describes a mathematical formula.


PDF to ePUB conversion is a growing need among eBook lovers, especially because so many classics are only available as PDF files. If your favorite eBooks – from fiction and nonfiction to children’s books—are all in PDF format, then you can easily leverage a wide range of innovative tools to convert them into the ePUB format and enhance your reading experience. 

If you want to facilitate eBook creation, publishing, and conversion at scale, consider leveraging the cloud-based, AI-powered digital textbook publishing platform KITABOO. Also leverage our cloud-based digital publishing platform, available in both a licensed version (one-time purchase) and a flexible subscription model.

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Mike Harman

Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at HurixDigital. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships.