Custom eBook Reader App: Your Brand, Enhanced Reading

The experience of reading an eBook draws from multiple aspects in addition to the text and media contained in it. Consider immersing yourself in a pleasurable reading experience only to be interrupted by a random advertisement placed in a way that makes it difficult to close. This isn’t the most optimum or positive reading experience that brands wish to deliver to their target audiences.

This is where white label branded eBook reader apps make all the difference. Brands get access to tools and features that help them provide enhanced reading experiences to readers while enhancing the brand’s business.

Table of Contents

I. What is a White Label Branded eBook Reader App?

II. How Do White Label Apps Enhance Branding?

    1. Customization
    2. Visibility
    3. Marketing
    4. Differentiation
    5. Ad Opportunities

III. How Do White Label eReader Apps Enhance Reading Experience?

    1. Consistent Experiences
    2. Targeted Features
    3. Streamlined User Interface
    4. Personalization Options
    5. Integrability
    6. Cross-device Compatibility

IV. White Labelling and Enrichment Made Easy

What is a White Label Branded eBook Reader App?

A white label branded eBook reader app is a platform that has been developed by third-party developers but leased/licensed to other enterprises for use. The enterprises can add their own branding to the app by way of customizing the following aspects of the app:

  • Logos and their placements
  • Watermarking on eBook pages
  • Inclusion of advertisements, promos, and other marketing material
  • Control over access and distribution of content over the platform

There are many more aspects that put control in the hands of the business in a white label eBook reader solution. This is what has made them increasingly popular in the market.

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How Do White Label Apps Enhance Branding?

Branding is an essential part of delivering a good user experience. It also helps businesses create a favorable image by delivering a good eReader interface that is consistent with brand benchmarks.

There are several ways in which white label eBook reader is beneficial for branding:


White label apps provide businesses with the capability to brand their product in a variety of ways.

For example, inserting brand colors, tailoring the user interface with custom fonts and styles, using branded visual elements, and more. It helps create a product that has all the look and feel of the brand, with no exception.


White labeling enhances brand visibility. For example, businesses can display their logos on the cover pages of all eBooks distributed over the eReader interface.

Additionally, they can add other touchpoints, such as contact information, “About Us,” and other information that tells readers about the brand.


White labeled products extend the marketing capabilities of businesses. They can include branded content channels, downloadable content such as graphics or audio, URLs to promotional pages, landing pages, social media, and much more to encourage user interaction. This helps increase traffic to other channels of the brand tremendously.


White labeling gives businesses a unique capability to deliver differentiated brand experiences to audiences.

For example, you can provide several AR or VR-compatible modules in your interface that users can interact with using their vision technologies. You can also provide unique audio/video features, handy trivia, etc., about the book currently being read.

Ad Opportunities

Using white labeled products, you can leverage the power of strategic placement of advertisements throughout the interface or eBook. This can be achieved without making the interface too cluttered with distracting ads that take away from the reading experience.

How Do White Label eReader Apps Enhance Reading Experience?

Businesses can leverage white label eReader apps to craft exemplary reading experiences for the readers in the following ways:

Consistent Experiences

As the users navigate through the interface of the application, they encounter consistent branded across all the products incorporated in it. All the eBooks carry the same brand themes and signature, delivering a consistent experience everywhere. It helps users establish familiarity with the brand.

Know How to Create an Interactive eBook

Targeted Features

White labeled products can be optimized to deliver specific experiences to cater to the unique needs of a business’s target audience. For example, brands can provide special tools that readers can use for reading assistance, or the brands can enable annotations and note-taking for learning content hosted on the platform.

Streamlined User Interface

Each brand has its own range of digital products that follow a branded user interface, journeys, and usage flows. White labeling enables them to deliver the same experience to the users on the eReader apps as well. Since the readers are already familiar with the brand’s design and UI, they take to the app more readily.

Personalization Options

White labeled apps empower businesses to deliver personalized experiences to users.

Right from enabling better recommendations to tools like “save for later,” bookmarking, creating collections, adding labels, etc., is made possible. It drastically enhances the reading experience for the users.


The best part of white labeled products is that by using an API or SDK, businesses can easily integrate auxiliary services or other products into the eReader app, enabling immersive experiences for the readers.

For example, eBooks can be connected with popular note taking apps or to social media for quick sharing.

Cross-Device Compatibility

White label products can be customized to be responsive. Whether the users view it on a phone screen or a tablet, a laptop or a desktop, the eBooks and all their elements render correctly, ensuring a great reading experience. The features can also be modified or translated based on the device’s capabilities.

White Labeling and Enrichment Made Easy

White labeling empowers businesses to leverage modern technology and innovation without having to set a big budget for research and development. The licensing or leasing process is relatively simple, providing tremendous opportunities to engage customers and improve branding.

Businesses looking for white label eReader apps should explore KITABOO’s digital textbook platform and its white labeling suite. It provides custom branding options, analytics and reporting, integrated multimedia content capabilities, scalability, and secure distribution that conforms to brand benchmarks and standards.

Your business can mold the KITABOO platform to reflect your identity – try it today.

So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to get started!


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Mike Harman

Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at HurixDigital. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships.