Create an eBook That Stands Out in 2024: Your Ultimate Guide

When it comes to the world of digital content, eBooks emerge as powerful business magnets, set to reach a market size of USD 17.20 billion in 2024. Amidst this growth, mastering the art of creating eBooks becomes pivotal. To tap into the opportunity and the market, it’s crucial to understand how to create eBooks that do not fade into the crowd. 

In this post, we will take you through eight easy yet simple steps to help you choose the right content, style, format, digital publication platform, and more for your eBook.

Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents:

I.) 8 Easy Steps to Create eBooks that Stand Out in 2024

  1. Strategic Content Planning Initiatives
  2. Organize, Section, and Craft Layout
  3. Choose the Right Style Guide
  4. Select Images, Graphics & Craft the Cover
  5. Bring it All Together in Design
  6. Pick the Right Publication or Seller
  7. Select Platforms for eBook Promotion
  8. Choose the Right eBook Software

II.) Conclusion

8 Easy Steps to Create eBooks that Stand Out in 2024

Below are 8 steps you need to follow to create eBooks that not only stand out in 2024 but also make a significant impact:

Strategic Content Planning Initiatives

An eBook won’t sell or stand out without unique content. This can either be repurposed, or written from scratch.

The topic selection is based on fundamentals: 

  • Potential clients or existing ones 
  • Offering a solution to a problem 
  • Adding value to discussed ideas or topics for the reader 

So, focus on finding the type of eBook that fits your targeted audience. Here are a few kinds of eBooks you can create: 

  • New research 
  • Case studies 
  • Interviews
  • Product demos
  • Blog post series
  • Playbook or cheat sheet (tips and tricks to help targeted audiences)

Digital publishing platforms like KITABOO can help create informative, error-free eBooks. Publishers can partner with the platform to enhance the quality and impact of their eBooks.

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Organize, Section, and Craft Layout

The next step is to organize the content and divide it into sections. Proper layout detailing is needed to create an eBook that adds informative value to your targeted audience. 

You can use a table of contents with titles to define each section. It will give readers a quick overview and a clear idea about the topic.

Add bullet points, charts, informative visuals, and notes to make your reader’s understanding easier. Also, ensure the page layout is compatible with the devices across which you wish to share your eBook.

Choose the Right Style Guide

A style guide gives a clear picture of specific designs, color palettes, and styles. These settings can be applied throughout your eBook, giving it a cohesive and professional touch.

You should create an eBook using a color that matches your brand’s color palette. By doing so, you can ensure your readers have better brand recall.

Select Images, Graphics & Craft the Cover

As per a study, 65% of the population are visual learners. I.e. – They can understand and remember visuals more easily than text. So, choosing the right visuals became as essential as the content while creating an eBook.

However, to choose the right visuals or images, focus on : 

  • Types of visuals that represent the content you want to deliver
  • Number of images to add to the eBook
  • Visuals should elevate the content and illustrate the context behind the data. So, find the right balance that keeps the attention of readers.

Bring it All Together in Design

Once the content and layout are ready, the next step is to assemble everything, to create an eBook. 

You can either choose an existing template and insert content as required, or you could customize your template as per your requirements. Or else, simply start with a blank page. 

To start designing, be sure to follow your selected style guide. Here are a few pointers to follow: 

  • The font, color, and size of all subtitles should be the same
  • Choose one or similar styles for paragraphs. 
  • Add space between visuals and texts. 
  • Use a white or light background to add images for easier reading.
  • Break the long paragraphs, text, or columns using bold visuals and quotes.
  • Keep the formatting style for visuals the same.
  • Add page numbers in the same position, using the same font, color, and size.
  • Add a table of contents with page numbers. 
  • Add information about the author, bio, contact details, and photo at the end of the eBook. 
  • Proofread everything at least thrice! 

You could also use a digital publishing platform such as KITABOO to  help streamline your design process.

Pick the Right Publication or Seller

When your eBook is ready to publish or sell, you can offer it for free, in exchange for email signups or sell it through publications or direct websites.

Depending on the publication requirement,  you can choose the eBook file format. For websites, keep it in PDF format, but for Kindle readers, choose the ePub format.

Know How to Create an Interactive eBook

Select Platforms for eBook Promotion

Choose a platform that helps in creating and promoting an interactive eBook. Mediums like webinars, newsletters, ads, social media marketing, etc., can be helpful. 

Also, send emails to your existing subscribers with call-to-action buttons that encourage them to download and share your eBook. When choosing a platform to promote your eBook, consider factors such as:

  • Reach 
  • Distribution channels
  • Royalty rates
  • Preferences of the target audience
  • Ease of use

Choose the Right eBook Software

Choosing an eBook software can help you keep the quality of your content and design in check. The right eBook software not only makes the process hassle-free but also makes it much quicker. It streamlines and automates the processes of editing, publishing, and distribution. 

However, the extent of these advantages depends on the software you choose. A lot of options offer advanced analytics and reporting services, which helps you understand exactly how your content performs with your targeted audience.


To create an eBook that stands out, you need to focus on quality and the value it will add to the customer. Also, you need to show how the eBook is going to affect or solve their problem. This way, you can ensure your content resonates, captivates, and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

While it’s crucial to share your eBook with as many people as possible, it’s also important to protect your intellectual property. A digital publishing platform like KITABOO can protect your content with strict DRM measures in place. With this, KITABOO provides security across devices and multiple operating systems, guaranteeing you an elevated eBook experience. 

To know more, connect with us now!

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Scott Hanson

Scott Hanson

Scott Hanson is the AVP of Business Development at Hurix. He is an experienced Business Development & Publishing Technology professional with expertise in dealing with Societies & Non-Profits.