The Best eBook Platforms For Libraries: Features And Benefits

eBooks are a revolutionary step forward for the world at large. This method of acquiring resources has made knowledge not only widely accessible but also available to the less privileged section of our society.

Taking this initiative a step further are eBook hosting platforms that assist in the creation of digital libraries. You may have come across several popular eBook platforms for libraries, like KITABOO, Amazon Kindle, or Apple Books.

These platforms house a wide collection of eBooks ranging from research papers to children’s stories and books of academia. Let’s explore some interesting features of eBook platforms for libraries and understand their benefits.

Table of Contents

  2. Amazon Kindle
  3. Apple’s iBooks 
  4. Scribd
  5. Smashwords
  6. IngramSpark

Features And Benefits Of The Best eBook Platforms For Libraries

Below is a list of some industry-leading eBook libraries in the market today. You can weigh each one based on its features and benefits.


KITABOO is one of the world’s leading ePublishing platforms with a full-fledged online reader and eBook store creation platform for publishers, corporates etc. It has a plethora of interesting features that rank it amongst the top eBook platforms for libraries as it can help you publish and distribute eBooks to retailers, libraries, schools and others.


  • Offers content in 25 languages.
  • This platform has technology-forward eBook creation and publishing tools for EdTech companies, educational institutions, K-12 publishers, schools, and school districts.
  • The platform can run on any operating system or device and is integration-ready with ERPs.


  • An excellent eBook and digital publishing solution for educators.
  • You can create your own branded eBook store using dedicated features in KITABOO.
  • It has a KITABOO Online Reader app that provides access to students and teachers to access course materials in a digitally secure environment.

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2. Amazon Kindle

The Kindle app is a digital eBook library that houses millions of magazines, books, newspapers, and comics on your device. It has some excellent features that make it easier for you to find your next book and enhance your enjoyment as you read it.


  • Kindle app lets you adjust the font size and style to suit your reading preferences and needs.
  • You can create collections to organize the books you own or rent. It is handy for those who have a lot on Kindle to read.
  • You can transfer any EPUB book into your Kindle app and read it here.


  • You can customize the UI of the Kindle app as you like, using colors and themes, enhancing your reading experience.
  • Using the Kindle app on your personal device gives better responsiveness to UI actions.
  • You can use the highlight text feature if you are a student using academic eBooks on Kindle.

3. Apple's iBooks

Apple’s iBooks is the go-to eBook library for those who own Apple devices. It has an extensive collection of books across all genres, purposes, and industries, enabling readers to access material effortlessly.

The UI is extremely intuitive and allows hassle-free search and saving.


  • It includes a separate store for eBooks and Audiobooks.
  • Personal Library customizations for easy organization of your book collection.
  • Font adjustments for convenient and comfortable reading.
  • You can adjust the screen brightness and color tone to suit your eyesight and preferences.
  • You can take notes using the Notes feature – this is especially helpful for students.
  • You can convert your reading to a paginated view or endless scrolling based on preference.


  • Apple Books provides a simple journey for publishing eBooks that only need a user account.
  • You get tools for data tracking and promotions to help you get discovered.
  • The platform also provides assistance with cover design and interviews with renowned authors.

4. Scribd

Scribd has been around for quite some time now and provides you access to not only eBooks, but PowerPoint presentations, magazines, and audiobooks as well. Some of the interesting features are listed below.


  • Scribd has countless publishing partners like MacMillan, Harvard Business Review, and HarperCollins.
  • It offers you content in over 20 languages.
  • Over one million full-length titles in the library and over 100 million documents in bestsellers and niche publications.
  • Capability to highlight text and take notes in the app.
  • Sleep timer feature for audiobooks.
  • List organizer feature to keep books and reading lists sorted.
  • Accessible on the web browser, app, Android, or iOS.


  • Scribd offers a free trial of 30 days, where you can access its entire library as many times as you want.
  • The subscription fee is extremely affordable at only $10 a month.
  • You also get access to audiobooks, scripts, sheet music, and podcasts.

5. Smashwords

This is another dedicated library for eBooks of all kinds and genres – whether business, fantasy, coming of age, or music. This online library-cum-bookstore today has diversified into digital publishing to help budding authors and small press publishers.


  • Smashwords is an online library, a publishing platform, and also a bookstore.
  • It allows you to purchase eBooks in EPUB format. This is convenient because it allows you to read the book on any device, independent of any specific app.
  • If you are an author, you can publish your book to Smashwords completely free of charge.


  • This is an excellent platform for self-publishing because Smashwords has a wide base of customers and zero publishing costs.
  • They have frequent sale events or other digital events where several titles are made available at discounted prices or completely free.

6. IngramSpark

IngramSpark is an eBook publishing platform for libraries that is proving to be tough competition to the likes of other platforms. 


  • More than a library for reading eBooks, IngramSpark is a collection of eBooks from which libraries worldwide purchase their eBooks.
  • For the authors, it offers a variety of publishing tools such as book planning, Print on Demand, book conversion from printed version to eBook, and much more.


  • IngramSpark has a wide network of partners, customers, and buyers who leave reviews on eBooks in its library. This counts towards the reputation of the eBook, which can be used as a pitch for physical publishing.
  • You can use this platform to manage your ePub files as well.

Also Read: How to Choose the Right eBook Distribution Platform


The lines between online libraries, eBook stores, and digital publishing have blurred. Today’s functions have fused into a wholesome online experience where readers can search for eBooks, add them to their current reads, purchase and download them, or even use these platforms to publish their own books.

Amidst this modernized take on eBook platforms for libraries, KITABOO truly offers a holistic package for educators and learners to benefit from. It is an ecosystem of online learning which comprises interactive resources accessible securely.

To understand more about KITABOO, contact us.

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Vishal Dani

Vishal Dani

Vishal is the Senior Vice President and Head - Cloud Platforms & Technology at HurixDigital. He leads the product development group and technology solutions.